What Are Sunrooms?

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When the weather is nice, there is nothing better than sitting outside and luxuriating in the sun. Whether it’s bringing out a chair and reading a book, lying on the grass to get a nice tan, or simply enjoying the cool breeze while the sun warms your face, most can agree that being able to enjoy the sun is one of the best things about living in Florida.

What Are Sunrooms?

But what happens when the breeze is too strong for reading, or too hot to be relaxing? What happens when the pollen in the wind brings an allergy attack with it, or when lying in the grass means that an untold number of insects take it as an invitation to crawl on top of you? While being outside has its advantages, there are many things about it that can very quickly become unpleasant under the right circumstances.

Sunrooms are rooms created to bridge the gap between the indoors and the outdoors. Sunrooms provide all the benefits of a nice sunny day, while also trading the inconveniences of allergies, strong winds, and bugs for the conveniences of air conditioning, screens, and indoor air.

Usually, sunrooms are set slightly apart from the rest of the house. Covered in windows to let in as much sun from as many angles as possible, they are a beautiful addition to any house and make a perfect place to read, grow plants, or soak in some rays without having to worry about the inconveniences of being outside.